The Critical Friend Network (CFN) initiative has been set up to promote disseminating quality research and scholarship in EAP. The network hopes to achieve these aims by connecting colleagues, by providing opportunities for constructive feedback and by establishing mentoring relationships within the BALEAP community. To run the network, we need colleagues who want to become critical friends to colleagues who feel they would benefit from peer feedback and/or mentoring input. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of the level of experience. After signing up for the CFN, the network Administrator will pair up colleagues needing support or feedback with a critical friend. Please see the expectations and sign up below.

  • Although we will strive to pair colleagues with critical friends who have relevant expertise, depending on colleagues’ availability, the particular area of the given research and scholarship project and the type of support needed, the critical friend might not necessarily be an expert in the given area. If this is the case, the critical friend is offering their peer feedback and suggestions for improvement from the point of view of a critical reader and experienced practitioner and/or researcher.
  • Colleagues should work together to agree on a timeline that is realistic yet keeps the momentum of the project. Both parties should commit to keeping the agreed timeline, or else agree on a new timeline or agree to end the critical friend relationship.
  • The critical friend relationship is governed by ethics and based on truthfulness and confidentiality. The critical friend will not appropriate the work of the supported colleague and the supported colleague will acknowledge the support of the critical friend as appropriate (e.g. in the acknowledgements section of the resulting publication).
  • Requests for support and critical friends’ feedback should be worded politely and with respect. The critical friends’ feedback should be constructive, acknowledging strengths, suggesting improvements and expressing one’s own doubts as appropriate.
  • Colleagues in the network are encouraged to raise any concerns and technical issues with the CFN Administrator as soon as possible, and to provide feedback on the network.

Sign up here if you would like to become a critical friend.
Sign up here if you are looking for a critical friend.
(You can sign up for both roles.)

If you have any questions, please contact the CFN Administrator at: